(last update 31st May 2021)


Original Editionddmlogo


Welcome to Original Edition Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures website.


This site is unofficial and not related to the DDMGuild.


This site exists to host the Original Edition DDM materials; these materials were (and are made) by the Wizards of the Coast and the official ddmguild oe revision team.

Since the Guild decided to freeze the OE project, we of the OE team decided to open this website to keep the game alive and help the players.


Please, feel free to browse, download your files and have fun!



Click on the following links to open the files you need!


Here below you can find the sets born for the Current Edition and revised. Some of them are DDMGuild sanctioned (*)


starter set 2008 Starter Set 2008 http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/OEDDM-SS.pdf

Dungeons of Dread Dungeons of Dread http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/Dungeon_of_dread.pdf

dangerous delves Monster Manual 2 Dangerous Delves (*) http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_MM01dangerousdelves.pdf

legendary evils Monster Manual 2 Legendary Evils (*) http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_MM02legenday_evils.pdf

PHH1 Players Handbook Heroes 1 (*) http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_PHH1.pdf

beholders collector set Beholders Boxed Collectors Set (*) http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/OEBEHOLDERS.pdf

Lords of madness Lords of Madness http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/OELORDOFMADNESS.pdf

 Dragons Collector Set http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/Dragons.pdf 

 Dungeon Command Part 1 http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/Dungeon_Command_Pt1.pdf

Player's Handbook Heroes, Series 2 Players' Handbook Heroes 2 [sorry, this set is split into 3 separated files] http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/PHH2-1.pdf   http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/PHH2-2.pdf    http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/PHH2-3.pdf

 Heroscape Wave 13 http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/HeroScape_Wave_13.pdf

  Dungeon Command 2012 http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/Dungeon_Command_2012.pdf


 Nerath Bonus http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/Nerath_Bonus.pdf


 Orphan Swords http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/Orphan_Swords.pdf


 Dungeon Command 2013 http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/Dungeon_Command_2013.pdf


Blood of gruumsh Dungeon Command 2013 Blood of Gruumsh http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/Dungeon_Commander_-_Gruumsh_1.pdf    http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/Dungeon_Commander_-_Gruumsh_2.pdf



And here you can find the Wizards' original sets, from Harbinger to Desert of Desolation; some sets come with a small guide, called Insert. 



Harbinger http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_01Har_Skirm.zip

Dragon Eye http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_02DE_Skirm.zip

Archfiends http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_03AF_Skirm.zip

Giants of Legend http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_04GL_Skirm.zip

Aberrations http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_05Ab_Skirm.zip

Deathknell http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_06DK_Skirm.zip

Angelfire http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_07Ang_Skirm.zip

Underdark http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_08UD_Skirm.zip

Wardrums http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_09WD_Skirm.zip

War of the Dragon Queen http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_10DQ_Skirm.zip + insert http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_10DQ_Insert.zip

Blood War http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_11BW_Skirm.zip + insert http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_11BW_Insert.zip

Unhallowed http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_12UH_Skirm.zip + insert http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_12UH_Insert.zip

Night Below http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_13NB_Skirm.zip + insert http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_13NB_Insert.zip

Desert of Desolation http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_14Des_Skirm.zip + insert http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/DDM_14Des_Insert.zip


Maps and Fantastic Locations



Rules' time!

Rulebook here http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/Rulebook.pdf

and Errata/FAQS here http://oeddminiatures.altervista.org/ErrataFAQ.pdf

(be aware that Errata/Faqs is almost more important and useful than the rules themselves!) 



Maps explanation

Here is a pdf created by Eternal Campaign guys showing all the available maps (and maybe some new ones too) and explaining all their squares and effects.




Item Stat Cards

Folowing the Current Edition trend, we managed to create some Items. You can assign artifact to your creature in your warband as explained in the rules!

First set




 Second set





Dungeon Command references here





Felian's hidden cove

Here you can find a huge home-made revision work made by Felian and his friends. As you probably already know, Felian is one of the OE project team members.

This opera is a complete correction of all the game creatures' costs. For example, have you ever noticed that Harbinger's Medusa is weaker than Desert of Desolation's Medusa Archer, but is more expensive? 

Original edition counts around 1000 different creatures, but only a 10% is really played. The others are useless and too expensive in points.

Felian's team managed to value each creature and assign them the right price. The prices were reduced, never augmented! This way, the playablility of each piece was enhanced!

But more words would be wasted! I suggest you to try this impressive work!
Many other players around the world can testify that these revisions are useful and effective, since they allow to use with sense almost each existing miniatue.

You can find 4 "army book", one for each faction, and a global file ordered by expansion set.

Lawful Good 

Chaotic Good

Lawful Evil

Chaotic Evil

Full list 



Beren's Prodigious tool

Our good friend and passionate OE player Beren, provided the whole community with this awesome tool, useful for creating warbands and for searching a precise mini.

It also features Felian's revised costs!

You can find it here: 


Nice work, Beren!



Questions regarding anything on this website?

Please, feel free to PM Felian on ddmguild.com or hordelings.com

He'll answer you as soon as possible




(all names, pictures and materials belong to their original owners)